Monday, May 25, 2009


As we wind down this Memorial Day weekend, I am compelled to write a post. This isn't the time for my usual political speech. No right wing propaganda from me tonight.

As I sit and watch the haze move across the horizon, my mind wanders to all of the amazing people that served with me. We came from all walks, and most of us were too young to have really made a political choice that would matter. There were no life experiences that would sway us one way or another. We had the mission and each other. That was enough.

Thanks to each of you. All that fought and served by my side. To all of the families of those who fell: I cannot say enough how thankful I am for those men and women. Words cannot explain your loss, and I understand that too.

For those of you who are out there now, keeping up the fight, Hooah! Know that those of us who have been there before have your back.

Happy Memorial Day to all of you! Please, remember our nation, and more specifically, remember those that fell to keep us free.

Until next time, keep your powder dry and your eyes open.

1 comment:

  1. Gratitude is the least we can bestow upon the men and women that serve this country. The sacrifice and courage these young people show cannot be understood unless you have been there. The pain of losing a son or daughter is something that only those with that common thread can understand. I could never say I understand your pain. I can offer words, prayers, and sympathy. All seem so little in response to your loss. My thanks, to our soldiers, then, now and in the future for keeping this country free. My own son, a better man for having served, is a source of great pride for me. Thank God he is home, but still a soldier, always fighting in some way to maintain the pride we should all have in this great country. God bless our soldiers, and God bless this nation that they so courageously defend.
